Dissertations in Progress
Architectural History and Urbanism/Urban Planning/Historic Preservation
Derafshi, Ali, "Persomania, Persophobia, Persophilia: A Century of Self-Fashioning with “Persian Architecture” and Its Reception in California"
Dissertation Advisor: Volker M. Welter
Faichney, Sylvia, "The Domesticated Landscape of War: Army Family Housing, Settler Belonging and Environmental Toxicity in the United States"
Dissertation Advisor: Swati Chattopadhyay
Schlothan, Betty, "Visual Constructions and Assertions of Community in the Early Modern Towns of the German Erzgebirge"
Dissertation Advisor: Mark A. Meadow
Shanghavi, Nisha, "Social Clubs, Country Clubs and the Making of the Colonial Landscape in India, 1820s to 1960s"
Dissertation Advisor: Swati Chattopadhyay
Van Doorne, Taylor, "Ephemeral Monuments, the Modern French State, and the Parisian Public, 1789-1848"
Dissertation Advisor: Richard Wittman
Ancient Greek/Roman Art
Jennings, Victoria, "Ars Contra Naturam: The Liminal Magic of Death in Antiquity"
Dissertation Advisor: Claudia Moser
Early Modern Art
Aldrich, Alec, "Common Ground: Landscape and the Mediation of Technology in the Dutch Republic"
Dissertation Advisor: Ann Jensen Adams
Gagnon, Emma, “Picturing Indonesia in Amsterdam: The Printed Images of Johan Nieuhof’s Remarkable Voyages and Travels to the East-Indies (1682)”
Dissertation Advisor: Ann Jensen Adams
Good, Felicity, “Locating Childhood: The Visual Culture of Children in Early Modern Antwerp and Mexico City”
Dissertation Advisor: Mark A. Meadow
Kagan-Moore, Hannah, "Social Identity and the City in the Augsburger Monatsbilder"
Dissertation Advisor: Mark A. Meadow
Twentieth and/or Twenty-First Century
Cobra Lima, Letícia, “Un/folding the Body: Assemblage Art in Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia, 1960-1996”
Dissertation Advisor: Jenni Sorkin
Grego March, Claudia, "El arte de América Latina es la revolución: networks of political art between Spain and Latin America during the late Francoist dictatorship (1960-1975)"
Dissertation Advisor: Laurie Monahan
Morris, Sara, "Clay Bodies: Figurative Ceramics and the Crafting of Identity in Postwar Sculpture"
Dissertation Advisor: Jenni Sorkin
Smith, Elzabeth Driscoll, "Build/Live/Work: Artist-Built Environments and the Expanded Vernacular in the Twentieth Century"
Dissertation Advisor: Jenni Sorkin
Ph.D.s Conferred
Mohammadreza Mirzaei
Bahman Mohassess and the Visual Politics of 1960s Iran
Faculty Chair: Laurie Monahan
Mallory Sharp
Object Lessons: The Hampton University Sheppard Collection of African Art
Faculty Chair: Sylvester Okwunodu Ogbechie
Rachel Winter
A Spectacle of Inclusion: The Rise of Contemporary Art from the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey in the United States and England, 1970-2020
Faculty Chair: E. Bruce Robertson
Samira Fathi
Re-Imagining the Royal City: Architectural Patronage and Urban Memory of Isfahan, 1694–1834
Faculty Chair: Nuha N. N. Khoury
Ben Jameson-Ellsmore
Hackerspaces: The Architecture and Visual Culture of Public Life in Contemporary U.S. Cities
Faculty Chair: Swati Chattopadhyay
Matthew Limb
Dirt(y) Politics: Geological Primitivism and Land Use in the Ceramic Vessel Tradition of the American West, 1921-1994
Faculty Chair: Jenni Sorkin
Margaret Mansfield
Image Reincarnation in Early Modern Dutch Illustrated Travelogues
Faculty Chair: Ann Jensen Adams
Sarah Bane
Join the Club: Regional Print Clubs in the United States
Faculty Chair: E. Bruce Robertson
Holly Gore
Reinventing Work: Modernist Wood and Skilled Trade, 1930-1965
Faculty Chair: Jenni Sorkin
Yun-Chen Lu
A Left-Turn to Artistic Eccentricity: Gao Fenghan (1683–1749) and Disability Art in Eighteenth-Century Yangzhou
Faculty Chair: Peter Sturman
Henning von Mirbach
Local Landscapes: Fa Ruozhen (1613–1696) and the Making of Conquest Identities in Early Qing China
Faculty Chair: Peter Sturman
Mary Okin
Painting in Place: Wayne Thiebaud in Postwar American Art
Faculty Chair: E. Bruce Robertson
Alexandra Schultz
Living and Dying in Water: Fluid Infrastructure Disruptions in Urban Egypt (1870-1935)
Faculty Chair: Nuha N. N. Khoury
Virginia Reynolds Badgett
Representing Modern Women: Robert Henri, Portraiture, and Identity
Faculty Chair: E. Bruce Robertson
John Vincent Decemvirale
Knowing Your Place and Making Do: Radical Arts Activism in Black and Latino Los Angeles, 1968-1984
Faculty Chair: Jenni Sorkin
Thomas DePasquale
Leonardo and the Commentators: Seeing Things Hidden in the Earliest Essay on the Work of Art, Naples, ca. 1562
Faculty Chair: Mark A. Meadow
Laura diZerega
Beyond Berlin: Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Bureaucracy, and Rhenish Ecclesiastical Architecture, 1815–1840
Faculty Chair: Richard Wittman
Abelina Galustian
Orienting the Politics of Images: The Armenian Role in Orientalizing Near Eastern Photography, 1850-1930
Faculty Chair: E. Bruce Robertson
History of Art & Architecture Ph.D. Dissertations 2020 - 1972
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