HAA Student Honored with a Library Research Award

Installation view of the exhibition "American Sources of Modern Art (Aztec, Mayan, Incan)." May 8, 1933–July 1, 1933. Photographic Archive. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York. IN29.1
Installation view of the exhibition "American Sources of Modern Art (Aztec, Mayan, Incan)." May 8, 1933–July 1, 1933.
Photographic Archive. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York. IN29.1

Congratulations to Graduating Senior Cheyenne Assil,
UCSB 2023 Library Award Undergraduate Research Second Place Winner, Humanities & Fine Arts

Graduation head shot of Cheyenne AssilCheyenne is a fourth-year History of Art and Architecture major with a Museum Studies emphasis doubling in Fine Art in the College of Create Studies. Her two-year internship working at the Art, Design, & Architecture Museum was Cheyenne’s first experience working in a museum setting and her work as a research assistant for a UCSB PhD candidate introduced Cheyenne to archival research. These experiences both contributed to the writing of her Honors Thesis "MoMA and American Art: A Re-Evaluation of the Museum of Modern Art and its Presumed Eurocentric Attitude” which evaluates the Museum of Modern Art and it’s founders’ impact on the American modern art scene in comparison to the institution’s legacy.

Her award-winning paper would not have been possible without these experiences and the support of her mentors, professors, and UC Santa Barbara. Currently, Cheyenne works at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles as well as freelance writing about the art market. She plans to continue pursuing work and research in modern and contemporary art as well as further pursue her education in art history and museum studies. Cheyenne is extremely grateful to the History of Art and Architecture Department, as well as the AD&A Museum for helping prepare her for her future endeavors!


The annual UCSB Library Award for Undergraduate Research (LAUR) recognizes students who produce a scholarly or creative work that makes expert and sophisticated use of the collections, resources, and services of the UCSB Library. The award promotes and encourages intellectual discovery and the advancement of lifelong learning.